Francisco Montes González is Associate Professor in the Art History Department of the University of Seville. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Art History Department of the University of Granada and participated in the research group “Andalucía-América: Patrimonio cultural y relaciones artísticas”. His research focuses on the study of viceregal American culture from a sociological perspective. Within this topic, he has conducted in-depth research on subjects such as artistic patronage, ritual festivals and image exchange between Spain and Latin America. He has written articles and chapters for specialized publications, presented papers at international symposia, participated in research projects, and been a visiting scholar in the United States, Mexico and Argentina. In 2015 he was awarded the prize “Cultura y Nobleza. Mecenazgo, Obra Social, Coleccionismo” from the Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla and the Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras. He is the author of the books Sevilla Guadalupana. Arte, historia y devoción (2015), Mecenazgo virreinal y patrocinio artístico. El ducado de Alburquerque en la Nueva España (2016), and he has edited the volume Religiosidad andaluza en América. Repertorio iconográfico (2017) and Ficciones del islam: Representaciones de lo musulmán en la cultura visual de los virreinatos americanos (2024). Finally, he is a member of the Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Seville.