Darío Velandia Onofre

Darío Velandia Onofre is Associated Professor and Director of the Art History Department at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. He has studied Literature at the Universidad de los Andes (2008) and achieved a Ph.D. in Art History at the Univesitat de Barcelona (2014). His publications explore the use and function of sacred imagery in diverse territories of the Spanish monarchy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Among his research he has taken a special interest in an interdisciplinary methodology, while evaluating the manner in which diverse types of literary sources (sacred oratory, artistic literature, mystical poetry, treatises on prayer, among others) condition the visual culture of the period. He is author of the book Destrucción y culto: políticas de la imagen sagrada en América y España (1563-1700) (2021) and has published articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes (Brill 2021, Word and Image 2018, H-ART 2018, Hispania Sacra 2017, Perifrasis 2012).